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Each year starting August 1 and going through September 30, all contractors and subcontractors that have contracts that meet the requirement for submitting reports must file a report during the official “Filing Cycle.” Additionally, if a contractor or subcontractor obtains a contract that meets the requirements to submit report(s), they are required to submit these report(s) within 120 days.

What employers need to know

All nonexempt federal contractors and subcontractors with $100,000 or more in federal contracts need to prepare a VETS-4212 Report.  The report must be submitted for the company headquarters, and separately for each hiring location, and include data from July or August of the current year.  More information can be found here.

Companies with federal contracts or subcontracts are required to keep three years of their VETS-4212 reports in order to fulfill their affirmative action obligations in employing veterans.

Employer next steps

The annual report must be filed no later than September 30.  For more information visit the DOL’s FAQ page on this subject.

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