Meet the Executive Leadership Team

Ken is also passionate about coaching youth sports. For 15+ years, he has coached youth soccer, baseball, softball, and basketball. He enjoys watching his teams grow athletically and cohesively. He is a stickler during practice and believes the practiced subtle details, if executed in games, will enable his players to get the most out of their abilities. It’s important for him to create an environment that is fun, as he has not sent any player to Pros, although many parents thought their kids would make it.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I love the Yankees. (Being in Boston, this makes me super popular!) As a child growing up on Long Island, my dad was a big Yankees fan and we would go to games together. As a police officer who used to patrol in the Bronx, he had friends at the gate who allowed him to park close and bring us to where the players would arrive so we could get autographs.
Favorite movie?
Too many to count, but the ones that come to mind include Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, The Godfather, and Goodfellas.
Favorite vacation spot?
Martha’s Vineyard in the summer and Delray Beach, Florida, in the winter. Love the sun, the beach, and the water.
Off the bucket list?
Not much of a “bucket list” person. What I love most is spending quality time with my wife and kids; if that happens to be in Martha’s Vineyard, Greece, or in our backyard, I am fine with it all…as long as I am with my family.
One talent you wish you had?
To stay awake past midnight. My kids make fun of me as I am typically the first one to bed at night, but I like to start the day early.
Best gift ever?
Prior to age 20, it was the Atari game console I received for Christmas in the fifth grade. Since then, it was meeting my wife's second-semester senior year at Bentley in a random way; the rest is history.

A graduate of Northeastern University, one of Jeff’s strongest passions is serving his community. He is a multiple-term President of the Mansfield Rotary Club and, as Chairman of their Annual Auction, has helped raise over $350,000 for various charities in the last 15 years. He finds immense joy working with his fellow Rotarian teammates.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
How spiritual I am and my belief in the Universe as a whole entity — that what you put out in life, hopefully good and not bad, will reap rewards if deserved and earned. That you don’t do good things for people because you want something in return; you do it because it is the right thing to do.
Favorite movie?
Ordinary People back in the early 80s. There is so much to take from this movie. I enjoy powerful acting with a great story, something most movies today don’t give you. The acting in this movie is remarkable.
Favorite vacation spot?
On a cruise ship, reading a good book and being pampered. On the beach just zoning out and relaxing. On a sailboat enjoying the peace and quiet and the sounds of the water.
Off the bucket list?
So many things — too many to state as I am a goal-setter and I set and achieve goals all the time. All through college, I earned money by working at a parking lot in downtown Boston. One of the cars I parked was a beautiful two-seater convertible; I would sit in that car and dream that one day this would be me. I’ve realized that dream multiple times, I’m happy to say!
One talent you wish you had?
I wish I had musical talent and could play the guitar and possibly sing well too.
Best gift ever?
I have had the best life so far and for that I am forever grateful. My wife, my three children, my business — I have so much to be thankful for.

Gordon is passionate about delivering great client experiences. To that end, he believes the best way to do this is to hire the best talent, nurture their careers and provide them with the support they need to do their jobs.
Gordon cares about his local community and believes in the value of reading. To that end, he volunteers at his local library to help raise funds for summer reading programs. He is also a longtime runner and has become a cyclist in recent years. In 2017, he cycled from Boston to New York as part of a charity fundraising event.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I am a gamer. I have owned every model of XBOX that has ever been sold. Competing in live team matches is my favorite type of gaming activity.
Favorite movie?
Hands down, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. There is no one hero in this series, but a fellowship of many heroes that save the day.
Favorite vacation spot?
ADP first moved me to New Jersey in 1994 and with that our family beach retreat moved from Cape Cod to the Jersey Shore. Every summer we rent a condo for a week in Wildwood, a great shore town with a 2 mile boardwalk.
Off the bucket list?
I’ve made several trips to Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland. I absolutely fell in love with Scotland. I would love to go back and stay in Edinburgh for a few weeks!
One talent you wish you had?
The ability to remember everyone’s name. Some people have a gift for never forgetting a name and face – I wish I had that talent!
Best gift ever?
It was a family gift - a Golden Retriever named Daisy.