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What is a company-sponsored flu clinic?
A company sponsored flu clinic is an event during which the employer group hires certified nurses to set-up an on-site “clinic” to offer their employees an opportunity to become immunized without having to leave the office. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses.

FCHP schedules on-site flu clinics through a third-party vendor, Rite Aid.

Who is eligible to receive the shot?
Flu shots will only be available to individuals age 18 or older.

Pregnant women can receive a flu shot. No additional forms are required and they do not need permission from their doctor.

When are the flu clinics scheduled?
Flu season is just around the corner and FCHP is offering you an opportunity to set up your flu clinics now. To set up a flu clinic, please provide at least three weeks lead time to coordinate the event.

How much does it cost?
Flu shots will be covered by Fallon for Fallon Health members. Claims for Fallon Health members will be automatically processed using the insurance card information provided by the members at the clinic. Rite Aid will handle all claim submission and there will be no steps needed on your end.

Rite Aid will also bill other insurance companies for non-Fallon Health members. If the employee’s coverage does not cover the flu shot or if there is co-pay, there are several options available that can be discussed with the Rite Aid representative prior to the clinic.

The Rite Aid contact will be able to discuss all billing options available for those that are not Fallon Health Members as well as any employees that do not have insurance coverage. Flu shot prices vary by product but discounts are available based on the partnership created for you. These options may require a written signed agreement.

Other Pertinent Info for Employers

  • For on-site flu shots, there is a minimum of 20 anticipated attendees per location. If you do not anticipate 20 people, there is a voucher program that may be better suited to your needs.
  • It is extremely important for you to make sure a company representative is in the building and reachable during flu clinic hours. A contact name and phone number must be provided to Rite Aid so they have a point of contact the day of the clinic.
  • All employees must bring their prescription and medical insurance card.
  • Rite Aid can send you an informational flyer, printed or in PDF form, to advertise to your employees.

For assistance in setting up your flu clinic, please email Danielle Pepin at

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